Holy White Hounds kick the doors in with a sound that is all at once fresh and classic, clean and filthy - a raw, blues-rooted minimalism. Vocalist/guitarist Brenton Dean and bassist Ambrose Lupercal are veterans of a demanding scene, playing previously in such successful acts as La Strange and surf-pop trio Dig Angees. The pair's musical chemistry, frenetic songwriting pace, and adventurous stylistic spirit culminated in a new project - Holy White Hounds - meant to challenge themselves musically and bring their myriad influences to a blistering apex.
Bluntly put, Holy White Hounds is bottle-smashing, stranger-fighting, chain-smoking, put-a-tarp-down music. It burns slow. It glows bright. It promises to buzz in your veins. Whatever you ordered, Holy White Hounds is a shot of whiskey in beer country.